The Symbiotic Complex

Many moons ago, when I first started out in conservation, I was introduced to the concept of symbiosis. The idea fascinated me, startled my young, impressionable mind and has led me to discover this wonderful yet questioningly complicated relationship between two completely different organisms. In 1879, Heinrich Anton de Bary defined symbiosis as "the living... Continue Reading →

In The Spotlight

As some of you already know, my background was in media and mass communication. I have always enjoyed photographing people, seeing the world spin around us from behind my camera lens. I've done a few things in the spotlight in tv and radio broadcasting, but it was a VERY LONG TIME AGO and to be... Continue Reading →

Getting Off The Ground

Having not posted on my blog for a few months, I think it's about time to get us up to speed with what's been happening since the last post! Forgive me for getting off the ground so quickly. Here goes... Trying not to get too knotted up in my brain 🙂 I literally got off... Continue Reading →

The Power of Curiosity

Are there times when you have set your heart on something, feeling relieved knowing that a choice has been made? When I made the decision to specialise in trees, I thought to myself, 'Great! I can finally settle on one thing and not try to do everything'. Alas that has not happened, though much to... Continue Reading →

‘Higher’ Education

I am definitely one for sharing and exchanging skills or knowledge. My friend Sam and I decided to do another spot of climbing the other day after we finished a woodland site survey. Sam reckons he has much to learn from me in terms of woodland management, ancient and veteran trees, etc. but I have... Continue Reading →

Helping Hands

When an idea or feeling creeps up on you, it is almost impossible to ignore. This was what happened about six years ago, when I had been caning the David Attenborough BBC documentaries, watching one series after another - reminiscing with the gorgeous imagery of coral reefs, lush rainforests and mountains - and really missing... Continue Reading →


One of my favourite spots to go and contemplate in is my local woodland reserve. I remember how I was feeling on this day a few years ago. I was at a crossroads in my career, having been through a few setbacks despite knowing deep down that I was good enough for progression but just... Continue Reading →

Last and First

As I'm writing, we are officially sailing through the first day of 2021 in the UK, so firstly a very Happy New Year to us all. Yesteryear was probably - for a lot of people - a branch that we'd like to snap across our knee. Although our boundaries and freedom have changed drastically, a... Continue Reading →

Like a Flowing River

"Life gets in the way", says a friend of mine. Actually he's not the only person who has openly expressed that sentiment, although I have never really agreed with it. I am aware that I haven't written in a long while; one might say that life did get in the way but for me it's... Continue Reading →

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